7 Rules For Fast Weight Loss

Summer is coming and it's time to get fit. But sometimes, eating balanced, it is not enough to lose weight. We also need motivation. Here are seven rules that we must consider when we want to get off the weight.

1. Sports. Enter your a few hours every week in sports. This will give you even more motivated to get more difficult changes in your daily diet.

2. Send ambitions. On the contrary, the sport three times a week, organizing a routine, so you have time each day for the sport, even though you know that not every time you get to the gym. The study shows that the condition, we achieved our goal average by 60% - so if you plan to do an hour of physical activity every day, you probably can not get to the gym 3-4 times a week.

3rd Find your music ... and rhythm! Try to make the sport something fun, fun. Research shows that women who used to drive around listening to music on an mp3 player was able to lose weight twice as much as those who drive without background noise. Those who are animated by the music is more alert, able to follow, to run for periods of longer and longer distances or more.

4. Keep your diet simple. People who keep a regime of success are often those who do not put too much imagination to work, when it comes to the menu. Keep your desire away in preparation for eating at home instead of eating out. Create yourself a prescription diet that includes a variety of nutrients.

5. Think of the calories over the weekend. A recent study shows that over the weekend, with an increase of 82 calories per day. You should be aware that to lose weight is a very clear objective. Drop cocktail and a second slice of cake and think long term - not only until Monday, when you start a diet.


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